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Dongguan qiangshun Printing Co., Ltd
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The reason and treatment of packaging carton becoming soft, qiangshun printing will tell you

Return to list source: Issue date::2022-08-17
First, environmental factors. The storage environment of packaging cartons will be affected by natural weather or human factors. Natural weather is unavoidable. It often causes the environment to be too humid due to rain, and the cartons will become soft after contacting with the air. Secondly, the storage place is not ventilated, because the temperature difference between day and night changes to form condensation phenomenon, which makes the cartons damp. In this case, the carton should be placed in a ventilated place, and the cardboard should be supported by plywood to avoid the influence of moisture on the paper. For goods with long storage time, stretch film can be used for outer protection.
2、 In terms of carton material, generally carton manufacturers will add water repellent to control the moisture content more or less during production. Therefore, when buying cardboard, they can use the dripping method to buy appropriate cardboard. Or use cardboard with a high gram weight.
Third, as the saying goes, there are unpredictable circumstances. In the process of cardboard transportation, the environmental protection during transportation should be ensured to avoid the direct impact of the outside world.

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